Information for orchestra members
Rehearsals start at 7:45 pm sharp on Tuesday evenings (except after the first concert of each series), and at 2:30 pm on the Saturday prior to each concert series.
Rehearsals for the first concert will be held at Mullum Mullum Church, 40 Warrandyte Road, Ringwood. When advised, rehearsals will return to our usual venue, Maroondah Federation Estate, 32 Greenwood Ave, Ringwood.
The full rehearsal and concert schedule and other information is available here: MaSO Schedule 2025A.
A detailed rehearsal schedule for our current concerts is here: MaSO 2025 Concert 1 Rehearsal Plan
Contact details if not able to attend
If unable to attend please advise your section leader and Lyn by text or phone on
Contact details and other information are on the schedule above and may also be downloaded here: MaSO Welcome
Members pay an annual subscription as detailed on the membership form below.
At the end of a successful trial period, you will be invited to join the orchestra, at which time you should complete and sign the membership form and return it to the Secretary with payment.
Membership fees can be paid by bank transfer following the instructions on the membership form. Payment by instalments can also be negotiated.
Form for membership application or renewal: MaSO Membership Form
Editable version for download: MaSO Membership Form (Word)
The process for appointing players is described in detail here: MaSO Players Appointment Process
Orchestra Administration
The orchestra is an incorporated not-for-profit association. Its operations are governed by rules agreed to by its members and approved by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Victoria: Maroondah Symphony Orchestra Rules 2013
The orchestra is administered by a committee comprising players elected by members of the orchestra, together with the Leader and the Musical Director. Please consider joining the committee and having a say in how your orchestra is run. Feel free to contact any committee member to volunteer or with any concerns. See the schedule available above for names and contact details. You can also use the general contact email form in the Contacts section of this website to email the Secretary.
Child Safe Policy
Maroondah Symphony Orchestra (MaSO) is committed to the safety and wellbeing of
children and young people. Child Safe Policy 2023
Repertoire Selection
Details of repertoire selection can be read here.